We take you from PAIN RELIEF to WELLNESS! A unique facility that utilizes the methods of Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Diet, Nutrition and Exercise.

Get Adjusted Today!

Many symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg as they say. If you are now experiencing pain the underlying cause of the problem may have been developing for quite some time. Alternatively you may have experienced a trauma that immediately caused you pain. In either case we are the first and best way to alleviate your problem!!

Nutrition, Diet and Weight Loss

The way to eat is not rocket science but trying to figure out what you should eat to acquire the body you desire can be confusing to the lay person. Dr. Morgan uses he extensive knowledge to simplify the process so that it is realistic and achievable for everybody. Call today for a Nutritional Consult!

Exercise mimics the “Fight or Flight”

Dr. Morgan believes that exercise serves us best as a tool to reduce stress. Stress is considered any noxious agent to the body and mind. Most of our stress is of the mental category and unfortunately we do not have an opportunity to react in an appropriate response. The physiological processes that occur in the body from stress are from an instinctual mechanism for our survival. It is called the “flight or fight” response. Most live out each day going to bed with cortisol which is the stress hormone at high levels in their bodies. Elevated levels of cortisol cause tight muscles, increased fat retention, and high blood pressure. If we can develop a light routine of weight resistant training with a moderate amount of cardiac fitness than we will lower cortisol and improve our well-being. The activity mimics the “fight and the flight” and eases the body and mellows the mind.

“The power that made the body
also heals the body“

Our philosophy…

Our approach is a holistic focus on the well-being of an individual. We consider the symptoms and evaluate all the systems of the body to determine a diagnosis. Our method begins with Chiropractic first and utilizes Nutrition and Exercise as adjunct therapies to bring about an optimum level of homeostasis.


Every Saturday 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Whether you are an aspiring athlete who is trying to make the JV team, a dad or mom who just want to be in better condition, or a Professional athlete this class is for you!!! Dr. T.J. strives to inspire relentless pursuit for perfection. Training with Dr. T.J. Morgan is tough but FUN..

  • Speed Training
  • Interval Strength Training
  • Monster Tire Flipping
  • Laser Timed 10 yard splits
  • 40 yard Truck Push
  • No workout like it!
  • Free to the public – parents will have to sign waiver for their child



Chix Beach Gym is a unique 24 hour gym that has a family friendly environment. In fact it is not uncommon to see many of Dr. Morgan’s family helping out around the gym. Chix Beach Gym was designed with 2 types of individuals in mind. The first is the inexperienced person who needs to tone up and needs a simple routine that is easy to follow. The second is the up and coming athlete who desires to improve their game. Dr. Morgan is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Medicine Physician and Chiropractic Neurologist that has a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge to customize a fitness routine for you. Come in today and check us out!

  • No Joining Fee
  • No Long Term Obligation
  • $50 Monthly – Auto withdrawal
  • $99 one time fee for 24 hour key fob


Chiropractic Services

While the mainstay of chiropractic is spinal manipulation, chiropractic care may also include other treatments, including manual or manipulative therapies, postural and exercise education, and ergonomic training (how to walk, sit, and stand to limit back strain). Chiropractors today often work in conjunction with primary care doctors, pain experts, and surgeons to treat patients with pain.

The most positive research on chiropractic therapy has focused on spinal manipulation for low back pain. As one of the alternatives to pain-relieving drugs, the American College of Physicians low back pain guideline recommends spinal manipulation along with heat, massage, and acupuncture.

Chiropractic treatment may also help people with other musculoskeletal-related pains.

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